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Should yoga mats really be used?

05 Jun 2024

Any form of exercising is the best way to ensure the wear and tear of our body. Many embark on their daily schedule after doing such fitness- centric activity like exercise, yoga, sports, brisk walking, gyms, etc. Different accessories only help to enhance the quality of the fitness activities. For fitness activities like yoga and exercises, a good, sticky mat can be recommendable. As said, they are recommendable, but should they really be used?

Here are some of the reasons for you to use yoga mat (a good one for that) –

A good mat should have all such qualities – stickiness to be anti- slip, appropriately textured surface for grip, proper density of the material that ensures it remains intact despite rigorous use and eco- friendly, to be actually useful. However, if the quality is not good the mat can be an obstacle to your exercises. If it’s not sticky, it will fold while performing yoga (for instance surya namaskar). If the material density is below optimum, there is no cushion or safety measure as assured. This also deforms the mat with sags developing in high- pressure areas. Also, mats should be odourless even if they absorb sweat, or at least washable. If a mat does not meet the quality, it is better not to use one. And it can be such bad experience only when some practitioners do not prefer to work out on yoga mats.

Well, there is much debate on the topic – some practitioners proposing to use whereas others dismissing any such proposals! Finally, it’s a matter of choice – choice to choose the better …

Why KURMA Yoga Mats?

Use of mats should be for enhancing the fitness activity. Remember, yoga mat is not a luxury product, but a lifestyle product!
